Monday 29 November 2010

an analogy of events 2007-2008

“Goodbye Martin”

Ritchie stared across the flickering sea of green, speckled with golden slivers of the late autumn sun to where his younger brother stood alone. Long shafts of gold twinkled and sparkled as the tall vertical boughs of the poplar and alder swayed and stood witness in the faltering embers of the day.

“Is today our last?” pondered Ritchie nestling into his brothers embracing shadow.
“How has it come to this?
I am older more, decrepit, I’m almost falling apart at the seams but yet it is you”

He gazed until the alder reached up and ate the sun and the last embrace faltered “how many more sunsets my friend?” he wondered.
Ritchie and Martin were sort of brothers who had barely spoken in years. They kept each other in sight whilst always remaining apart.Different in appearance, but built for the same purpose .Filled constantly with the noise and laughter from over a thousand aspiring minds. Two proud old men with a million two minute memories that make the cup overflow.
“How will I cope my brother? I cannot do this on my own” with bitter sobs he yielded and the crumpling crescendo of loss settled over him like fine dust. He tried to explain, make his brother see but all he could muster was “goodbye”

“Goodbye” Martin

 “Don’t fret brother- I’m prepared, I’m o.k.-it will happen to us all it’s a fact of life” Martin wanted to find the comforting words that should embrace and reassure his grieving brother.
The older brother, with whom he had never spoken, embraced or reassured in his entire life. They looked different, had different mannerisms and had different stories to tell but underneath it all they were both Dixon. The distance had always been there between them but now it was too late. To be side by side with Ritchie would have be an honour, to hold hands in the final moments a gift from above.
They’re coming and he knew what for- it was his time and whilst he had always known this time would come it scared him.
“Will it be quick?”
“Please don’t let Ritchie see”
“Will it hurt?”
“I must be strong, I must be strong, I must be strong” he gently whispered over and over as he watched the last long lick of shadow flash across Ritchie.
The emergency work they had both recently undergone propelled new air through their aging veins but to no avail. For martin it was a thin veneer that was soon to be smashed along with his very being. There was nothing more that could be done and like a mask, Martin wore the acceptance of the end with grace and professionalism, whilst inside he crumbled and tried to reason with goodbye.

the five stage process

The Count-October 15th 2007-11th November 2008
A boy picks up a stone and carries the stone to a pond; this takes one year and twenty six days. At times the stone feels heavier at times uncomfortable until it becomes impossible to cling to. An audience gathers near to the pond from the day the stone is picked up and intermittently until the last day. As time goes  by certain audience members attend at differing frequencies and arguments, words ,feelings begin to fester and bubble.

Pathway -Sunday 9th November 2008-11th November 2008
The boy arrives near to the lake two and a half days early but the stone has taken its toll. The audience check the time and arguments increase. Strangers take the boy by the feet and drag him for the last two and a half days. Different audience members perform different tasks such as washing the boy who is now naked and soiled, barely holding the stone.


Goodbye- Monday 10th November 10.30 a.m.
An audience is now gathered around the pond hunched down, talking in hushed tone, some pacing but all gazing at the boy. There is silence apart from the laboured breaths and the involountary flapping when the boy cannot take laboured breaths. One audience member softly approaches the boy and places a gentle kiss on his clammy brow “I’m sorry dad but I’ve got to go-Jenny’s losing the baby –I’ll be up in a few days-love you, goodbye”. The boy does not recognise the audience member and they exchange blank looks. The person leaves whilst the rest of the audience watch suspiciously.

Loss -Tuesday 11th November 8.40 a.m.
At the correct time the boy sits up and adjusts the stone in his hand. Without a words or ceremony the stone is cast into the centre of the pond and the moment is frozen. The boy stands up to take in the audience, almost as if to soak up the stares and wear them like clothing. Something draws his attention away from the tableau and no longer weighed down by the stone he leaves the pond and the audience behind.

Resonance -Tuesday 11th November 8.40 a.m.-the present
The stone hits the water in slow motion sending out one then two then three concentric waves which gradually make their way across the surface of the pond breaking and foaming. For 9 days the circular waves emit from the point of entry .
The pond is still creating waves but now they are smaller and the audience has reduced to 3 who themselves are only present at irregular intervals one more than most.
The ripples are increasing as the anniversary draws near but the waves have no breakers just gentle humps that murmur

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